Saturday, November 1, 2008


1. Who are the members of Ji-Li’s family? Describe her family home. What class status does her family belong to? What is the occupation of her father? Mother?

The members of Ji-Li's family are Ji-Yong as the younger brother (11years old), p14, Ji-Yun (10 year old), Song Po-Po (the nanny/housekeeper), p14-15, mom and dad, Grandmother, (who used to be the principal), p14, Aunt and cousin, (they live downstairs and the cousin is You-Mei, p15, a cat called "little White", p17. You-Mei's baby (Hua-Hua) pg.15.

Her family home is a big building in Shanghai, a french window and high ceiling, p15, and had only one room. The apartment was warm, and bright, p7. There was a private bathroom, as large as some peoples entire house, p15-16. They lived on an alley, p20. Mahagony table, p16.

Family occupation: Her dad is an actor and her mom used to be an actor, p13, (she now works at a sport store). Her Grandmother was vice-principal of her old school, p14.

Her families class status: Upper middle class, p16, (there family had a bigger place to live in and were more special). p15, her Grandmother had a modern education.

2. What is Ji-Li’s life at school like? What special honor is Ji-Li picked for at school? Describe Ji-Li’s parents’ reaction. What does Ji-Li do instead of entering the audition?

Ji-Li's life at school: Ji-Li was expected to succeed in everything, She was able to excell(pg.1). They were acussing her and her best friends for spreading the "four olds" (pg34-36). Ji-Li scored a perfect score on a math test(pg.3)She had oppertunitys for dance training (pg.6)

What special honor is she choosen for?: The central liberation army arts academy choose Ji-Li for their dance troop (pg.6).

Her parents reaction: They said no. They said that they had political problems that were complicated (pg.10). Her mom said that the army would be strict (pg.8) Her father was first shocked then angry then overp protected and discouraging (pg8-10). Solemn(pg.8)

What does Ji-Li do instead? : She gives a note to the principal about how she cannot participate in the try-outs (pg.11).

3.What are the "Four Olds"? Provide with some examples of each and why they need to be destroyed. What does "prosperity" mean? Why is this considered a thought?
Four old: Four olds mean to destroy old ideas, old customs, old culture and old habits(pg.21)
Examples:Saying Good morning to teachers was a four old because its an old custom.(pg.35)
Respecting teachers was a four old because it was an old idea.(pg.35)
Gowns, colorful silk neckties were four olds because it was an old culture stuff.
Prosperity means succesful or flouris espeacially in financially.
It was considered as a bad thought because Mao said that it was a exploitation.(pg.25)

4.What is xenophile? Why is it bad to be a xenophile in the Revolutionary China?
Xenophile: A person who loves anything from foriegn.(pg.285)
It was bad to be a xelophile in the Revolutionary China because then people will think that you are a reactionary or a rightist.(pg.281)

5. What are da-zi-bao? What are being done with them? Who is Jiang-Xi-wen? Why does Ji-Li hang have da-zi-bao on her house?
Da-zi-bao: Used to humilate or attack people.(pg.276)
The students were using the da-zi-bao to criticize the educational system.(pg.38)
Jiang-Xi-wen: Jiang-Xi-wen was Ji-Li's aunt and her father's real cousin.(pg.44)
They have a da-zi-bao because Yin-Lan-Lan and Du Hai wrote that teacher Ke and Jiang Ji-Li have a realationship going on.(pg.49)

6.Why does Ji-Li stop going to school for awhile?(she has been accused for what?)
She stops going to school for awhile beacause she had a da-zi-bao on her name saying that she had a realtionship with teacher Ke.(pg.52)

7.What is a rightist? Use your own words to briefly explain the process of remoding one's idelogy.
Rightist: A memeber of a conservative party that disagreed.(pg.283)
Ideology:Ideology means to change socail conditions, thinking and need to start something new and throw away old thinking.(pg.278)

8.What did Ji-Li's grandfather do for living? How does this affect Ji-Li's life?
Ji-Li's grandfather was business man and a landlord. (pg.62)
This effected Ji-li's life by being accused by her classmates that you're the granddaughter of a landlord. She couldnt be red guard because of her family background.(pg.62 and 66)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Elliots expose

Elliot’s Expose

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

When Elliot writes about his experience with the Jock Rots and sends it out over the KidNet, he includes the following quote in his letter.

"I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day…The rest of you are all part of it-because you let it go on and maybe you think it's funny, or you think it only happens to geeky outsiders and kids who are smaller or fatter or skinnier or don't have so many friends or so much money as you. So tell me-what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you?" (91-92)

Blog Question:
What is the message is he trying to get across to his classmates? (6pts)

The messagethat I think Elliot is trying to get across to his classmates is that everyone is aware of something unair or unjust happening at the school, but that they do nothing to stop it as they may think it is funny or that it doesn't happen to kids like them, that it happens to people who are different in unlikeable ways. They think bullying is common as they thin going to school. As if this was one of the things it is meant to do. Elliot is also sayinthat those who do have friends and are not bullied may one day change and become a victim, and then they shall realize what pain and suffering nd sorow the children at the school endure all year and maybe even more. He says tat all this bullying happens because of the being diferent in way we don't prefer. This happens uner your nose and you should take action to stop it because what if something happens to you and your the victim how would you feel then. Don't bully for the fun or to take out anger on others... just DONT bully.I completely agree with what he says and that it is like if we stick together and try to stop bullying in this school t can work.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Role Reversal

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

Blog Question: After the Bully Lab was renamed, the Revealers, and the stories of the three Darkland students were released and well received by the student body, Elliot wanted to publish Russell’s narrative about Richie punching Russell in the face.

1) Why was Russell so opposed to the idea (pg. 110)? Explain. (4 pts)

* Russell was opposed with the idea because I think Russell thought that he will get insulted or get bullied by other bullies. He might be thinking negative about himself (eg) Other bullies will think that he is not strong so thay will bully them.

2) What is happening to the relationship between Russell and Richie. (3 pts)

* they are sort of becoming friends and i think they will become friends.

3) Two Peer Comments (4 pts each)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

my intro

Hey, my name is Danish, i am in 7th Grade i like eating Mud pie ice cream in the Westin hotel. Live in a house in Dhaka, I study AIS\D I like my school and my friends. like my classes